French-German meeting in complex algebraic geometry
9-13 April 2018 at the CIRM (Luminy)
Goals of the meeting
France and Germany have both a long tradition in complex algebraic geometry with strong groups on each side, and there are a number of longstanding collaborations between researchers from these countries. The goal of this meeting is to develop existing partnerships more systematically and to foster new collaborations by organizing, as a starting point a research workshop that brings together both well-known specialists from each country and early stage researchers.
Ana-Maria Brecan (Bayreuth)
Frédéric Campana (Univ. de Lorraine)
Olivier Debarre (Paris)
Jean-Pierre Demailly (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes)
Stéphane Druel (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes)
Gavril Farkas (Humboldt Univ. Berlin)
Patrick Graf (Univ. Bayreuth)
Vincent Guedj (Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse)
Victoria Hoskins (Freie Univ. Berlin)
Klaus Hulek (Univ. Hannover)
Stefan Kebekus (Univ. Freiburg)
Bruno Klingler (Humboldt Univ. Berlin)
Vladimir Lazić (Universität des Saarlandes)
Gianluca Pacienza (Univ. de Lorraine)
Sönke Rollenske (Marburg)
Alessandra Sarti (Univ. Poitiers)
Valentino Tosatti (Northwestern Univ.)
Frédéric Touzet (Univ. Rennes 1)
Claire Voisin (Collège de France)
Susanna Zimmermann (Angers)
Scientific committee
Philippe Eyssidieux (Université Grenoble)
Daniel Huybrechts (Universität Bonn)
Thomas Peternell (Universität Bayreuth)
Program and abstracts
The program will appear on this site very soon. The last talk on Friday will end at 12h30.
Practical information
Pre-registration will be open from September 2017 until February 11, 2018.
If there are more pre-registrations than available places we will establish a waiting list. The organisers will cover the accomodation (full board included), we do not provide funding for travel expenses.